Friday, April 9, 2010

Baby Animal Day

Here is Baby Animal Day in a nutshell, Tawn was so excited for the baby pigs. Cole was excited for everything. My kids love animals (especially baby ones) There were also baby bears this year. They were really excited to see the baby bears. There were bunnies, ducklings, chicks, sheep, goats, bears, cows, ponys and kitties. It was a really fun day. We even got alittle sun burnt!
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Monday, April 5, 2010

Easter 2010

My babies in Easter. They are getting so big. We had a Great Easter. We went to my dads and saw all the kids. Then we went to Grandpa Daves and he cooked us a really tasty dinner. My nephews Ryan and Brenden came and spent the night. The kids had so much fun. Spring Break is here and we are so excited!

Our animal family.

Our animail family is getting big. Duke and Emma are our puppies. Duke is almost 3 years old in May and Emma turned 2 in September. Cole and Tawnee have learned alot from our pets. They have learned to be nice to animals and also responsibility, they help feed, water and bath the dogs!