Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Bee's Game

This is everyone that came to the game with us. Natalie, Richard, Aaron, Chan and I took the picture.

Salt Lake Bee's

On Sunday Chan and I went to the Bee's game with our friends. It was a great way to spend a Sunday afternoon!

Monday, July 6, 2009

Monster Truck

This is one of the monster trucks from the Cruise In. Cole said his favorite was the monster truck.

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Cache Valley Cruise In

My grandpa is into classic cars. The cruise in was this weekend and this car is a 1931 something. I know bad grand-daughter but I am not sure what it is.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009


Cole is all finished playing t-ball. I totally spaced taking my camera but here is a picture from my phone. The Red Sox is the name of Cole's t-ball team. He had a lot of fun. Now he is excited for wrestling to start.

Monday, June 29, 2009

We have a new addition to our family. Chan is not as happy as the kids are about it. Their names are Tinkerbell and Wolverine. The are chinchillas. Here is one of them. You will have to ask Cole which one it is.

We have made a few trips to the pool this year. Here is Cole playing with his buddies.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Here are the cute kids working in the Pepsi truck. We finally finished up the tournament last weekend:)

Thursday, April 16, 2009


Tawnee is taking tumbling at the Sports Academy. She is the hummingbird in the purple shirt. The looks forward to tumbling every week.

Running down the Hill

Here is some video of Cole and Tawnee chasing their eggs down the hill.

Funny Old Main Pictures

These are just some funny pictures of the kids. They usually don't let me take pictures just for fun!

Rolling Easter Eggs

We had so much fun together as a family on Easter! The weather was great, and the kids had so much fun!

They were both exhausted by the time the day was over.

Tawnee and Cole ran up and down that hill more times then I can count.

This was Cole and Tawn's first year to really roll Easter Eggs. Their Uncle Josh came up from Cody WY. To hang out with us for Easter, they were really sad to see him go.

Easter Morning

Cole and Tawnee were so excited for Easter this year. They were up

at 7:30 am for Cole that is almost a miracle. He is like his mom, not a morning person.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Baby Animal Day 2009

Last Thursday the kids and I went to Baby Animal Day at the Jensen Historical Farm. It was a great day to go. There were hardly any people there. The kids had a lot of fun. Our friends Heidi, Madyson and Tylee met us there with their Grandpa Bart.
Tawnee loves horses. There she is riding the littlest pony that they had.

Cole got to help one of the ladys feed the baby cows. He did a great job.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Tawn and Zoe

Here is my little Tawn. She needs her beauty rest!:) Tawnee loves our kitty Zoe. Here they are one afternoon taking a snooze with each other.

Disney On Ice

Two weeks ago we went to Disney On Ice. It was a really good time. Tawnee loved Peter Pan and The Little Mermaid. Coles favorites were Lilo and Stitch and Peter Pan. We went with our friends Teramie, Brycen, Baylor, Teresa and Taya.

Great Grand Kids Song

Here are all of the cute Great Grand kids. They all were very excited to get up and sing this song for Grandma Robinson.

Cute Grandma Robinson

Our Grandma Robinson passed away in March. She was a great lady. Tawnee would tell people that Great Grandma was very sick and now she is not sick anymore cause she is in heaven.
Someone sent these flowers to the funeral. I have never seen flowers like this! They were beautyful.

These are the two men in my life. They both looked so handsome:)

Grandma's kids did a really good job with her casket. It is so beautyful. This is after the funeral services. It was such a warm sunny day.

21 inches in March*****Bleh

We woke up one morning and had 21 inches of new snow. This picture didn't turn out really well but this is the kids in the snow! I think that we are all ready for some SUNSHINE!!!

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Lundahl's Ski Night

Hello~ I have been so bad at updating this thing! I have been really busy. Here is a picture of Cole, Jayden, and Ethan at Beaver Mountain. We were running out the door not wanting to be late (imagine that) and forgot my camera. Cole and Tawnee's uncle Brett took this picture. There were alot of friends there, Brycen, Baylor, Jayden, Ethan and of corse Cole and Tawnee! Cole and Brycen took a lesson, and I took Tawnee up the mountain. We were riding up the life and Tawn looked over and asked me how we were going to get down, I told here we were going to ski down, she said "me don't know how" But she did really well, and had lots of fun in the process.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Fun Park Party

I have so many pictures from the Fun Park. We had such a good time there. We had a Alligator pinata. ( I am an awful speller sorry I probably killed that) The kids had pizza, played video games, and about everything else there is to do there. Here are a few I will put a slide show on too!

Cole Turns 5 and Tawnee turns 3

Cole and Tawnee both had birthdays last week! I can't beleive that my baby is 3. Cole is going to start kindergarten this up coming year. It is amazing how time flys! Cole wanted a robot cake, and Tawn wanted a pink cake. So we had a pink robot cake! It was super yummy:)

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Little Climbers

We have an old desk outside that we need to take to the dump! The kids were playing in the snow and I went outside to check on them and they had made it all the way to the top!

This is why Tawnee is always injured!

New Addition to the Robinson Family

This is on Christmas when Santa brought Zoe
Now she is getting big!!

No not a baby a kitty Zoe she is a little devil cat, untill she see's Cole she loves him. Tawnee is always trying to carry her around. Needless to say she runs from Tawn.

Just like his dad!

Cole is really into snowmobiling! Here he is pulling his sister behide the the sled in her tube! He did pretty good, he whipped her around a few corners but she hung on!

Tawnee's Tube Crash

Cole was pulling Tawn on the tube and she got off balance and did a face plant! She was not happy about snow in her face!

Tawnee's Broken Nose

Tawnee his my accident prone girl! She was playing outside at school and tripped over another girl, falling on the stair and broke her nose! It broke right between her eyes. It wasn't displaced so she didn't need to have it set. She was really brave!

Her eyes didn't get too black but she was really swollen!