Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Little Climbers

We have an old desk outside that we need to take to the dump! The kids were playing in the snow and I went outside to check on them and they had made it all the way to the top!

This is why Tawnee is always injured!

New Addition to the Robinson Family

This is on Christmas when Santa brought Zoe
Now she is getting big!!

No not a baby a kitty Zoe she is a little devil cat, untill she see's Cole she loves him. Tawnee is always trying to carry her around. Needless to say she runs from Tawn.

Just like his dad!

Cole is really into snowmobiling! Here he is pulling his sister behide the the sled in her tube! He did pretty good, he whipped her around a few corners but she hung on!

Tawnee's Tube Crash

Cole was pulling Tawn on the tube and she got off balance and did a face plant! She was not happy about snow in her face!

Tawnee's Broken Nose

Tawnee his my accident prone girl! She was playing outside at school and tripped over another girl, falling on the stair and broke her nose! It broke right between her eyes. It wasn't displaced so she didn't need to have it set. She was really brave!

Her eyes didn't get too black but she was really swollen!