Thursday, January 15, 2009

Temple Square

The week before Christmas Chandler and I went with some friends to Temple Square to see the lights. Left to right Lanessa, Layne, Mindy, Jared, Chan, Me.

Tawnee the Snow Bunny

Here is my princess in her snow gear. She is going to give me a run for my money.

She is my PINK girl. Everything has to be pink.

Sledding at the house!

Uncle Shaun and Aunt Kit got Cole a sled for Christmas. He had a really good time sledding.

Here is some video of Cole sledding!

Christmas Morning

My little sister's all came over on Christmas morning. Cole, Meghan, Randi, Kailey, Tawn, and Hallee.
Cole was so excited for christmas this year. He was a good boy and Santa didn't miss him.

My baby girl had fun this year too. She is just like her mom, excited about the candy!